Everybody Eats with Joanne Peltier
Paul Gagne & Social Correction
The Reynolds Report (coming soon)
Wethersfield Talk with Rick Garrey
Check out our YouTube Channel
Paul Gagne & Social Correction
Wethersfield Talk with Rick Garrey

Paul Gagne & Social Correction
Welcome Paul Gagne, and his band Social Correction to WCTV. Paul and his team will be producing music videos to go along with many of the written music and lyrics by the band. Paul and his band are working hard on getting their videos produced and we will share them right here! Check back again.

Wethersfield Talk with Rick Garrey
Rick Garrey, a staple of WCTV, has been with us since the beginning and was president for over fifteen years, a host of several shows, videotaped sporting events in the field, provided technical support, a trainer to our volunteers, and most recently a board member. Check out another one of Rick's great shows called Wethersfield Talk!
Slices Podcast with Max and Kyle
Kyle Esoian, a wethersfield Native and current Marist College student in New York, along with friend and classmate Max Hochberg sat down and did a 90 minutes episode of their college show called "Slices" at WCTV studios in Wethersfield. They talk about all things television, movies, music and more. Check them out! Slices Podcast
Check out our oldies but goodies

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Disclaimer: All programs, shows, and content expressed and/or implied are the exclusive views and beliefs of the content creator and producer, and not the views or beliefs of Wethersfield Community Television.